Wednesday, January 6, 2010

... 3 IDIOTS…

What a movie… takes you to the epitome of earnest ecstatic banter at the very first scene and keeps you there till the end.

The message of the movie is that the pressure of education on children is unnecessary; and children should delve at what they are good at and build their career on that – without the fear of failure.

The message is simple but dangerously misunderstood.

The movie brings to light 2 things.

One – The flaws in our education system and the parents’ expectation-pressure on the children
Two – The need to identify your hobby and make it as your profession

The first one is easily remembered for long because it is blame on something you don’t have control over. But the second one is easily forgotten because if not done, you need to blame yourself.

Rahul Dravid is successful because he is enjoying cricket and he is enjoying because cricket is his hobby. I remember once Rahul Dravid said in an interview: ‘I am enjoying cricket because this is both my hobby and my profession. I have converted my hobby into my profession’.

We easily blame the system/parents for our failure but we don’t look into ourselves. I am not saying that the system is good or the parents don’t put pressure on their kids. But we need to identify what we are good at – at some point in our lives. If you don’t identify your strengths and interests; please don’t blame system/parents. They are to be blamed only when they don’t allow you to pursue what you want and/or pressurize you to pursue what they think is good for you.

We curse the system when we fail and ‘ONLY’ when we fail. When we are getting good marks in the first couple of exams, we don’t care what the system is or how it works. But as we start to have a couple of ‘back-logs’ we point our fingers at the system/parents.

There are three kinds of idiots: One, those who get carried away by the current, two, those who swim with the current and three, those who swim against the current.

If we are in the first category, we will not swim at all, but instead we expect the flow to take us to where we ‘want’ to go. We will even pray to god for that. If it does not happen we blame the system/parents. If it does happen; we don’t care about anything – neither the system nor the pressure. And, not even the god we were praying. We will just pat-our-back and carry on.

If we are in the second category we would resonate with the system and parents’ expectations. We swim with the flow and reach our destiny. The flow is anyway putting us in the direction but with minor adjustments we succeed.

If we decide to swim against the flow, we have the toughest of the times. We need to put in extra effort to swim against the current. Everything is against us except our confidence. When you decide to swim against the current, don’t have the fear of drowning. It’s your decision. I have seen people who get into what they want and still don’t succeed because of the fear of failure and in the end they start blaming the system and/or the parents.

When we detour from the path laid out by our parents, we should not expect them to join hands with us and help us later. If they do it on their own will, good. But don’t expect. When we are not comfortable in endorsing our parents’ visions why should we expect them to accept ours?

Remember, parents also have peer pressure and there is no movie in my radar which showcases that.

Thank You!!!

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